Chocolate Mint As a Special Flavor to Traditional Ice Tea Or a Wonderful Sweetener For the Diabetic
I wanted to put in my sweet tea some spearmint or peppermint but when I went outside the only thing I had was chocolate mint ( identifiable by the square, dark stem if fragrance and taste not enough to know). Knowing the subtleties of what time of day, what part of the plant etc. I decided to use it as my mint of the day.
Best Chocolate For FondueAll genuine chocolate addicts have, at some time or other, eaten chocolate fondue. Whether it’s the high quality – and fairly expensive – chocolate fondue from The Melting Pot chain or whether it’s the made in your own kitchen – just to try it – chocolate fondue, there is no hesitation about the reality that chocolate fondue is enjoyable and appetizing.
Pointers For Working With Candy Melts and Candy MoldsWith all of the beautiful candy molds on the market, you can design some incredible treats to use for your parties or other celebrations. Here are some tips to use to make the experience a lot easier for you.
The History of ChocolateThis article is about the history of chocolate. The article discusses where chocolate came from and how it was spread throughout the world.
A Touch of ChocolateChocolate is such a guilty pleasure that oftentimes we forget the health benefits all-natural chocolate supplies to the body. Make sure you’re getting enough endorphin production by eating natural chocolate once-in-awhile. A small amount of dark chocolate is really good for all of us.
Chocolates Can Make Your DayYum! Yum! Chocolate is the best problem solver of all times.
Healthy Dark Chocolate – Is There Such a Thing?With a lot of talk about health and chocolate it is important to realize that there is a big difference between all types of chocolate and the health benefits they provide. One of the main health benefits that has been found in healthy dark chocolate is the flavonoids and they are more highly concentrated in dark chocolate because it has a higher cocoa percentage.
Dark Chocolate Health Benefits Are ManyWhen people started saying the chocolate was healthy I did not think that it was true. I merely thought that it was people using it as an excuse to eat something which tasted good that was thought of as being unhealthy and had no idea about the dark chocolate health benefits.
Is Chocolate Really Bad For Your Health?There is some confusion at the moment as many people are not sure of the answer to the question is chocolate bad for your health. We all know that it contains refined sugars, waxes, fillers, which will increase your calorie intake, and could make not only gain weight, but have big mood swings from the sugar.
Antioxidants in Dark ChocolateSo why are the antioxidants in dark chocolate so good for you? Firstly they have a good quantity of antioxidants on the same level as blueberries or red wine which are often being promoted as being good for us. In fact two tablespoons of natural cocoa contain the same amount of antioxidants as four cups of green tea, 1 cup of blueberries and one and a half glasses of red wine.