Tempering Chocolate in the Microwave with Kirsten Tibballs | Chocolate Book

Why Dark Chocolate is So Special

Just about anyone that isn’t allergic to chocolate eats it. Not only does it come in thousands of different dishes, beverages, desserts, and candies, but it is also available almost anywhere you look. Candy stores, supermarkets, gas stations, convenience stores, schools, all carry it, and where they don’t have a cash register they put in vending machines.

Of Your Favorite Chocolate Coins and Bars

Chocolate coins are an ideal gift to children or even to adults. It is quite a fun way to share those chocolates wrapped in golden foil with coin imprints.

The Many Faces of Chocolate

No matter how you fix it, chicken is still chicken, fish is still fish, and broccoli is still broccoli. You cook them using various methods, or eat your vegetables and fruits raw, or cooked, but they are always just part of a meal. Chocolate, on the other had, has a myriad of way to be used, hot or cold, used as a drink or part of your main course, as a dessert, as a snack, or as a special treat when you need a pick-me-up. So let us explore the many faces of chocolate.

A Little History on the World’s Love Affair With Chocolate

Dark chocolate, chocolate drops, chocolate sprinkles, chocolate coins – such lovely treats to the palate! And they are all chocolates. The whole world loves them and they come in many sizes, shapes and flavors additional flavors to suit each chocolate lover’s taste.

Indulge in Chocolate

On a cold, rainy day, when you are feeling blue, or lonely, what could be a better fix than to simply indulge in chocolate? You can bake a cake, cookies, or fudge, or even simpler, open up a box of mixed chocolates, unwrap a candy bar, or have a cup of hot cocoa. You might prefer to just meld some chocolate and then dip fresh fruit in it. Any way you do it, the doldrums will disappear.

How to Buy Chocolate

Are you thinking about buying some delicious chocolate to splurge on this weekend with your loved one? Perhaps you will purchase a box of chocolates for someone you care about or even make some romantic chocolate-covered strawberries.

Some Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Many people believe that consuming chocolate only makes their body fat, and some even anti-chocolate just because they are afraid of being fat. Yeah, it does contain fats, but did you know that it has many health benefits?

Chocolates For Health

It’s not exactly a mind-boggling matter to understand why chocolates are loved by everyone. The reasons are obvious. They taste great. There is probably no explanation needed for this because everybody loves chocolates and there’s probably no one in the world who didn’t become a child and much relentlessly on these goodies.

Have Some Healthy Chocolate

So what’s all this good-for-the-health hullabaloo about chocolates these days? The world is still craving for these palate delights but it may no longer be because of its heavenly taste. What used to be shunned by teenagers who were horrified of the thought of pimples from eating this food is now touted to be the next big replacement to apples as a daily dose of healthful nutrients that people should miss.

Why They Say Chocolate Has Health Benefits

Does chocolate have health benefits at all? Few studies and researches made not too long ago suggested it has. In fact, a lot of chemicals containing chocolate were found to be beneficial to the people’s health.

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