Kirsten Tibballs’ Best Christmas Creations
Ice Cream Parlor Truffles From Godiva No one can say “No” to ice cream, especially in summer. Almost everyone, at some point in their life, has run after the ice…

From Concept to Live Demonstration Of Cakes | Kirsten Tibballs
Chocolate E-Book for Making You a Skilled Dessert Chef In past, people used to wander around in search of good cookbooks. They had to look in different places for different…

Simple Chocolate Techniques You Need To Know
Easter for the Non-Chocolate Eater I often wonder what happens to people who don’t eat chocolate when Easter comes around. When the market is flooded with chocolate products and every…

Style Rebellion Chocolate Dipping Technique (Full Recipe) | Kirsten Tibballs
Stop Your Sweet Tooth Craving With Chocolate Smoothies Most people have cravings for certain food at certain periods, be it sugar, carbohydrates or alcohol. This is felt as an urge…