How to use Chocolate Transfer Sheets | Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School

How to use Chocolate Transfer Sheets | Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School

Where Does Chocolate Come From? Of all the chocoholics in the world there are very few who could actually tell you where chocolate actually comes from. As it turns out…

Created by Kirsten Tibballs | Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School

Created by Kirsten Tibballs | Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School

Health Benefits of Chocolate So many people adore eating chocolate, so it’s easy to see its positive impact on people. But add health benefits to this amazingly delicious food, and…

Chocolates & Pralines Level 1 | Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School

Chocolates & Pralines Level 1 | Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School

Chocolates As a Valentine’s Day Gift Chocolate is a fabulous Valentine’s Day gift and also a personal one. They are special treats. Everyone has a certain type of chocolate they…

Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School - Tour the School

Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School – Tour the School

Artisan Chocolate Truffles and the Spices That Love Them, Part X – Lavender Two of the most popular gifts to get for your loved ones, are chocolate truffles and flowers….