Chocolate Panning Class | Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School

Chocolate Panning Class | Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School

It’s Just Not Chocolate! Frequently in the office about 2:00-2:30 p.m., a cry will be heard! “I need chocolate!” More often than not, it’s a woman’s voice. Women are not…

Pipa Class | Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School

Pipa Class | Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School

The Sweet Temptations of Chocolate Covered Snacks The sweet temptations of chocolate covered snacks are very hard to resist. Many individuals can enjoy savoring various types of snacks to help…

Death by Chocolate Macaron Class | Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School

Death by Chocolate Macaron Class | Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School

Chocolate – Every Child’s First Love Chocolate, a sweet confectionery, loved mostly by children, is made from the beans of cacao or cocoa tree. Cocoa tree is a tropical tree…

Created by Kirsten Tibballs | Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School

Created by Kirsten Tibballs | Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School

Health Benefits of Chocolate So many people adore eating chocolate, so it’s easy to see its positive impact on people. But add health benefits to this amazingly delicious food, and…

Learn how to make Coconut & Mango Macarons | Savour Online Classes

Learn how to make Coconut & Mango Macarons | Savour Online Classes

Where to Get Your Valentine’s Day Chocolate Valentine’s day and chocolates go together like mom and apple pie, a horse and carriage, love and marriage, Napoleon and…well you get the…

Chocolates & Pralines Level 1 | Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School

Chocolates & Pralines Level 1 | Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School

Chocolates As a Valentine’s Day Gift Chocolate is a fabulous Valentine’s Day gift and also a personal one. They are special treats. Everyone has a certain type of chocolate they…

Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School - Tour the School

Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School – Tour the School

Artisan Chocolate Truffles and the Spices That Love Them, Part X – Lavender Two of the most popular gifts to get for your loved ones, are chocolate truffles and flowers….

Learn to make Passionfruit Jelly | Savour Online Classes

Learn to make Passionfruit Jelly | Savour Online Classes

Chocolates – The Candies of the Holidays Holidays bring with them their share of stress, but guess what? Chocolate happens to be a stress reliever. During this cold season, there…

Callebaut + Savour Online Classes - Let's Get Cooking!

Callebaut + Savour Online Classes – Let’s Get Cooking!

Learn Proper Chocolate Tasting and Become a Chocolate Connoisseur! When you eat a piece of chocolate, I’m guessing that you usually just eat that particular chocolate, as opposed to eating…

World class showcase of Entremets  |  Serge Alexandre

World class showcase of Entremets | Serge Alexandre

Chocolate Truffles – Your Perfect Gift For the Holiday Season Are you stuck for holiday gift ideas? Chocolate truffles is the perfect solution because you’re not just giving plain chocolate…