Lemon Drop Moulded Chocolates (Full Recipe) | Kirsten Tibballs

The Origin Of Chocolates

A story is told about how the god quetzaloatl descended from heaven one early morning carrying a cocoa tree that had been stolen from heaven. While this does not sound so credible, it goes to show us how much value chocolate has been accorded from time immemorial. There have been conflicting theories about the origin of chocolate.

Chocolate Addict Confession

I have no idea how it started, thus I have no clue how it got this far. Sometimes we go through life looking for something that can define us, a hobby, somewhere we can belong. Some people find it beneath the wings of love in their lover’s arms, some have found it in their passionate jobs, some have found their joy in the laughter of children (which by the way I so much adore), and others in their quest to find answers to the mysteries of the world. Shockingly the greatest percentage of the world’s population lives life by the day, embracing what comes along and no defined purpose.

Couture Chocolate

What girl do you know who doesn’t love chocolate and a beautiful dress? Both of them make us feel so good, so romantic! Yep, I said romantic. Chocolate releases those little feel good chemicals into your brain called endorphins and let’s face it ladies, when we look into the mirror when trying on a beautiful gown don’t we feel romantic and elegant? If you are a girl who loves her chocolate and dresses than how about marrying the two?

How To Enjoy Eating Very Dark Chocolate

There can be a big difference in taste between light and dark chocolate. Milk chocolate has that creamy, milky, and very sweet taste. Dark chocolate is more bitter than it is sweet, and there is no milky taste to it.

The World Was A Dull Place Before Man Discovered Chocolate!

Chocolate has transformed the lives of billions of people since its discovery. It comes from the cocoa bean which is over 4000 years old. Ancient cultures revered this magical black bean and thought that it was a gift from the gods. These early cultures made a thick rich drink from the cocoa beans. Some early civilisations even used the cocoa bean as a type of money. There were a lot of things that this bean could buy. Four beans could buy you a meal.

A Few Reasons Why We Love Chocolate So Much

If there’s one thing that we all probably have it common, it’s that we love chocolate. The taste of chocolate is almost irresistible amongst mankind and with the amount of chocolate we consume on a global scale, it’s safe to say that we are a world of chocolate lovers. Although we may have personal reasons for favouring chocolate – whether it’s dad’s famous chocolate chip cookies, grandma’s amazing brownies, or those homemade cupcakes from down the street-we all tend to share the same reasons for loving chocolate so much.

5 Reasons Why Chocolate Is Healthy For You

Some people are surprised to hear that there are indeed a lot of health benefits you can get out of chocolate. Dietitians, nutritionists, and researchers around the world might even say that chocolate is one of the “super foods” for its heart healthy chemical compounds and rich antioxidants.

How Chocolate Is Toxic For Dogs

Although chocolate is deliciously addictive and one of the world’s most favourite flavours, chocolate can is actually toxic, and in some cases deadly, for our furry friends. While humans can often reap the health benefits of chocolate with the presence of heart healthy chemical compounds and antioxidants that improve our health when consumed in moderation, this is not the case for our four-legged canine pets.

How Chocolate Affects Our Emotions

When it comes to chocolate, a lot of people think it can affect our emotions in a number of different ways. Some women say it’s a perfect replacement for sex, whereas others disagree and claim that chocolate can cause them to suffer from headaches and migraines. It has long been believed that chocolate is a natural mood elevator, and even though research has proved that a number of mood-elevating chemicals and compounds exist on chocolate and stimulate existing ones in our bodies, the research is still not 100% complete or proven.

The Incredible Benefits of Dark Chocolate For a Healthier You

For decades, skeptics have wished to know the truth behind the health benefits of chocolate. Can it really be healthy for us? Or is it just some rumour that the candy bar industry made up as a marketing scheme to help increase sales?

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