One Chocolate Bar Equals 84 Grams of Sugar Or 22 Teaspoons of Sugar
I am talking to the people who are hooked on mouth watering, delectable, fabulous smelling, chocolate. Yes we are a country that is hooked on chocolate. You can smell chocolate from across the room. When you see a candy bar or box of chocolates sitting in a bag or on a table or in your purse your mouth salivates. Your mind is fixed on one thing.
How to Use Chocolate MoldsChocolate molds allow you to make your own chocolates at home. They are very easy to use.
The Chocolate MiracleDo you remember your childhood days when you were told that eating chocolates are bad for you? For many years we were under the misconception that it was fattening, made our teeth rot, and was a major cause of acne and other skin ailments. Well it seems that we had been given a raw deal on this subject. There is some exciting news for chocolate lovers all around the world. Chocolate is good for you.
The Benefits of Eating ChocolateFor those of you who have been told in the past that chocolate is fattening and bad for your health, well do I have good news for you? Chocolate is made from plants and not manufactured from synthetic substances. This means it has health benefits, many of which are comparable to those of dark vegetables. Flavonoids contained in chocolate act as antioxidants, which protect the body from premature aging and heart disease, which are caused by free radicals. Dark chocolate in particular contains a large number of antioxidants.
The Best Thank You Gift Ideas From Online Chocolate StoresWelcome to Box of Treats, your home for Online Chocolate. Whether you are looking for a Box of Chocolates or other Gift Ideas, Box of Treats is your source for affordable delivered gifts for any occasion.
If You Have a Craving Maybe Chocolate Will SatisfyRegardless of the setting or the people, often conversation gets around to candies and sweets; and all chocoholics around the globe seem to share in their passion for the creamy, rich decadence of their beloved obsession. As they indulge themselves in their personal favorites, the level of pleasure derived is always the same, spectacular!
Five Reasons Why Chocolate is Good For YouWith all the benefits that chocolate provides, you will wonder why you don’t consume more quantities of this delicious treat. It contains many different minerals, vitamins and substances to make your body function better.
Gourmet Chocolate & Ganoderma BeveragesAre you wondering about the health benefits (i.e. if any) of gourmet chocolate? It can do a lot more then simply taste good. Read more about Gourmet Chocolate and Ganoderma here.
The Sweet Taste of Success – Secrets to Running a Successful Chocolate Fountain BusinessThere is more to running a chocolate fountain than just running a chocolate fountain. Just like any business you need to know the in’s and out’s of business, customer service, set up, recipes, where to find the best fountains and the best chocolate. You can find this information about chocolate fountains from someone that has walked the walk and is willing to share all their secrets to help you succeed.
Chocolate, The Healing Food – Not Only Tasty, But Also Good For Your Skin!Here are some interesting facts that many people might not know about chocolate. Pure Chocolate is the Healthiest form of Chocolate and is made by Chocolate Manufacturers all around the world. Dark Chocolate is an age old treat that dates back 2000 years and when mixed with other spices was made into a Health Elixir.