A Chocolate A Day Can Keep You Healthy
It is widely believed that eating dark chocolate is good for cardiovascular health. Some health and lifestyle experts, however, emphasized that there is no evidence for this fact. Recently, the British Journal of Nutrition published a new study, which supports regular consumption of chocolate.
Journey of the Cocoa BeanThe tree theobroma cacao (theobroma, meaning food of the gods in Greek, and cacao is thought to be borrowed from the mixe-zoquean language family and was originally ‘kakawa’) is originally a native to central and south America and now grown in tropics of the world, particularly in Africa and in Indonesia, places where it was taken after the conquests of the new world and the colonial period. It is an unusual tree in which small flowers bloom from small cushions on its trunk and large branches these flowers are self pollinated or by pollinators like midges…
9 Surprising Foods To Pair With ChocolateLooking for some exciting new ideas for party foods? This post covers some cool ideas for use with one of everyone’s favorite foods – chocolate.
Quick Double Chocolate Chip Cookies From a MixMost people love cookies, a sweet dessert or snack. Store-bought cookies are good, but homemade cookies are better. However, you may not have time to get out the electric mixer and whip up cookie dough. The solution to this problem is a mix. Dessert mixes have improved significantly and may be used for homemade cookies. Chocolate lovers will love these morsels!
Dark Chocolate – A BoonEver wondered how a simple bar of dark chocolate can do wonders for your health? Reap the numerous health benefits of dark chocolates.
Too Much Chocolate Cake“Eating breakfast with desserts fights obesity” – Scientists have found that people who eat their largest daily meal at breakfast are far more likely to lose weight and waistline circumference than those who eat a large dinner. They also had significantly lower levels of insulin, glucose, and triglycerides throughout the day, translating into a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol.
How We Came to Know The Cadbury FlakeCadbury Fake is one of the all time best British candy bars and this classic British chocolate bar has been a favourite in Britain for almost a century. From the first moment it was produced, Cadbury knew it would be a hit, and so much so they knew that they would have to keep its formulation a closely guarded secret, and so it remains to this day. This delicious chocolate bar was first developed in 1920 and was founded by accident by an employee of Cadbury.
Chocolate Is Not an AphrodisiacAn aphrodisiac is a food, drink or drug when consumed stimulate sexual desires. The claim that chocolate is an aphrodisiac first came from the Mayans and Aztecs, who saw it as having mystical powers and used it for everything from ceremonies to currency. Today, chocolate is still associated with sex and romance. Capitalizing off this myth the most is the candy companies who sell millions of dollars in chocolate every year for Valentine’s Day.
Sweet Memories Of British ChocolateWhen we take a trip back to the days of chocolate past, in the great green pastures and cobbled streets of Britain, those days of old when we were all snot and marmite, our chocolate treats were the single most exciting privileges of being a child. A visit to Granny, or Nanny to which name you prefer, would almost…
The Four Most Important Benefits of Dark ChocolateChocolates entice the sweet tooth and brings immense pleasure to anyone who consumes it. It is known to have health benefits which when adapted can bring drastic changes to the body.