Eating Dark Chocolate Can Lower Your Blood Pressure
I read studies that “dark” chocolate contains cocoa phenols which have shown to lower blood pressure. Not to mention it is rich in anti-oxidants which help fight free radicals, destructive molecules which contribute to heart disease and other ailments.
How Can Any So Called Healthy Chocolate Really Taste That Great?We also believe that any truly healthy chocolate would very likely taste bitter because raw unprocessed cacao power is very bitter. The idea of a healthy chocolate seems more like a wishful fantasy than anything practical.
The Benefits of Dark ChocolateContrary to popular belief, there are many benefits to eating chocolate, especially dark chocolate. Chocolate started out as a drink made from cacao beans in pre-Columbian Mexico hundreds of years ago. The drink was said to have revitalizing and restorative properties. Today, we enjoy chocolate mainly because of its sweet and rich taste. This is because of the added sugar and milk in the production of modern chocolate. However, chocolate started off as dark and bitter like the original cacao beans it came from.
Background to Belgian ChocolateThere are very few people who have not heard about Belgian chocolates. The most famous chocolates in the world are Swiss and Belgian. However, Belgian is the most famous hand crafted chocolate. This is the chocolate that is regarded as the most sought after as a gift. Belgian stands for top quality. These exquisite chocolates are exported to all the four corners of the earth where eager customers are eagerly waiting to consume them as a special treat.
The Best Swiss ChocolateEating chocolate is a pleasure not a sin. How to enjoy the world’s most famous chocolate without worrying about getting fat. Tips on which Swiss chocolate to buy.
Learn About Making Chocolate? The Advantages of Online ClassesChocolate making is not a task that is as difficult as people perceive it. In fact, it is such an easy task that can even be learned over the internet. It is attention-grabbing to gain knowledge of those online chocolate training centers; there are thousands of such sites.
Making Chocolate and the Right Way to Market Your BusinessMarketing a product becomes much easier if you understand the processes involved in producing such a product. Therefore, if you know how to make chocolate you will be able to market it better and take the advantage of the high population of chocolate lovers.
We Love Chocolate!If you could pick one food that almost everybody loves, what would it be? That’s right – chocolate! But what makes it so irresistible? I try to find out why.
Artisan Chocolate Truffles and the Spices That Love Them, Part V – CloveCloves are derived from the unopened and dried flower buds of a large evergreen tree that was originally indigenous to the Maluku Islands, in Southeast Asia. Today, cloves are cultivated in many different parts of the world, such as India, Indonesia, Madagascar, and Sri Lanka. Cloves have been utilized by mankind for atleast 4000 years, and archeological evidence suggests that humans have used clove for medicinal, as well as culinary purposes since before the beginning of recorded history.
Chocolate TrufflesOut of gift ideas? Chocolate Gifts might be the solution. Whenever a new holiday or special occasion comes along, the first idea we have is to present our guests or family with chocolates and all of the products derived from that source, because let’s face it, we all enjoy chocolates.