Chocolate Panning Class | Savour Chocolate & Patisserie School

It’s Just Not Chocolate!

Frequently in the office about 2:00-2:30 p.m., a cry will be heard! “I need chocolate!” More often than not, it’s a woman’s voice. Women are not the only ones who need chocolate, however. When I used to keep a bowl of chocolate goodies on my desk, it was usually the guys who were carrying off handfuls of chocolate at a time!

Nut-Free Chocolate

The magnitude of having nut free chocolate accessible is frequently unseen by individuals who do not live their lives strictly as a result of dietary restrictions. For people with particular dietary requirements, the majority of which are hindered by nut allergies or the presence of someone in the house who has an allergy to nuts.

Organic Certifications Explained

What do those organic certifications mean? This articles briefly explains the USDA Organic, Fair Trade Certified, and Quality International certifications for organic foods, especially dark chocolate.

Weaning Yourself to Accept Dark Chocolate

You can build your tolerance to higher percentages of cocoa in dark chocolate bars by following this step-by-step process of weaning yourself off of milk chocolate. Feel less guilty eating chocolate by consuming dark chocolate.

Chocolate Cake – The Ultimate Recipe, One Bite of This Utterly Luscious Cake is All it Takes

I’ve decided to be really generous and give you my secret recipe for the ultimate chocolate cake and quite possibly the greatest chocolate cake of all time. A sweeping statement I know, but one bite of this deliciously rich, moist & utterly luscious chocolate cake with the most wonderfully intense chocolatey taste & ganache icing, will leave you powerless to resist its deep, dark, chocolately charms.

Chocolate Gift Ideas – Making an Unforgettable Impression

Chocolate gift ideas are some of the best choices when it involves making an unforgettable impression. Actually, chocolate is one of those very special things in life that has a deliciously rich and savory history. Many individuals enjoy the delicious sweet temptations that are produced of cocoa or chocolate.

Promote Your Business in a Unique Way With Promotional Chocolate Bars

It has become a trend to offer free gift items along with newly launched products in order to allure the attention of the potential customers. When it comes to select these items, business entrepreneurs always give preference to sweet items like chocolate bars. It is a fact that these unique and cost-effective promotional items leave a remarkable impression upon the customers when they got them as a free gift along with other products.

The Chocolate Trading Company – Online Heaven For Chocolate Lovers

People say when you run out of words, all you need to do is to simply show him/her a box of chocolates. At the Chocolate Trading Company, you may have a hard time doing that – because there are so many options available for you. The Chocolate Trading Company is an online shop that carries the biggest online assortment of chocolate in the United Kingdom.

Chocolate Addiction – Tips to Stop Your Chocolate Cravings

You know the situation, you arrive home from a very stressful day at work and you notice something on the table. A delicious bar of rich dark chocolate is inviting you to rip it open and devour every last, delicious, comforting morsel. We know we should not, it will make us fat and we will regret it if we do. But, same as the night before the temptation is unbearable and we give in to it.

Chocolate is Actually Good For Your Health

Chocolate is universally liked but many of us feel guilty about eating chocolate. Yet there are many health benefits from eating a bit of chocolate. Learn about these, forget the guilt and simply enjoy.

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