Learn Proper Chocolate Tasting and Become a Chocolate Connoisseur!
When you eat a piece of chocolate, I’m guessing that you usually just eat that particular chocolate, as opposed to eating different types of chocolates. This way of eating makes it difficult to understand…
The Origins of Chocolate – Where Did This Sweet Stuff Come From?Everybody loves chocolate, but where did it come from? It’s actually been around for thousands of years in some form or another, and it has an interesting story behind it’s evolution to the modern candy bar…
Chocolate Truffles – A French Delicacy For the Holidays!The truffle is a chocolate ganache (a substance that does not harder) shaped in a small ball, sometimes the ball is shaped around a half walnut and covered with coated chocolate or cocoa powder. The first truffle was invented and created in France in the city of Chambery in 1895. However, today it is said that three kinds of this chocolate delicacy exist: The American, the European and the Swiss.
A Delightful Story About ChocolateChocolate is actually not sweet in raw form. The sweet chocolate we get is a mixture of chocolate and sugar. The other form of chocolate is a white chocolate which is generally not considered as chocolate.
Hot Chocolate – Around the World and HealthyHot chocolate, the delicious and tantalizing drink loved by young and old, was known to the the Mayan’s 2,000 years ago. It is drunk around the world, and the possible health benefits make it a curious sweet drink of choice. Here is some great tidbits on this scrumptious treat.
Is Dark Chocolate Healthy? It Certainly Can BeYou sneak a chocolate candy after lunch, or treat yourself to chocolate on high days and holidays. You feel guilty eating it, because it is not good for you. Loads of sugar, fattening and unhealthy! Where did the healthy cocoa go?
Chocolate – Heavenly and Healthy!I have never been one that needed any encouragement to eat chocolate, for me this is an essential part of life. To be able to point out the health benefits as I waggle my bar of dark chocolate at those who dare suggest otherwise is just bliss. So here are some facts about just why chocolate is so great.
Chocolate & NutrientsIn some quarters, chocolate is believed to be the ‘forbidden fruit.’ The reason for this is probably because it is widely known that chocolate often contains substantial amounts of sugar and fat, and the price paid for an over indulgence of sugars and fats is usually weight gain and all its associated issues. But, that said, have you ever heard the saying that goes something like, ‘If the wheel falls of the cart, don’t shoot the horse.
Chocolate – More Than a Candy BarThere can be little doubt that chocolate has an interesting history. It came all the way from South America and spread around the world because its taste was so loved. In South America it was originally enjoyed as a dark, bitter drink. The indigenous peoples of the continent had been growing the cacao plant for thousands of years before the Spanish arrived.
The Origins of ChocolateChocolate originated in South America from the seeds of the cacao plant. Native to the deep tropical regions of the Americas, it is naturally found in Mexico and spreads down towards the Amazon Basin. It has been cultivated by indigenous Americans for thousands of years and was first used as a beverage rather than a confection.