Dark, Milk Or White – All Chocolates Are Good and Delicious!
From the Olmec Indians, the Mayans, Aztecs, Milton Hershey to Willy Wonka, we all know that chocolate is delicious. Most of us enjoy the goodness of chocolate in a variety of forms, and in moderation of course. Some need to be cautious when eating chocolate.
On Making Chocolate Covered StrawberriesCreating your own chocolate covered strawberries is a fun family activity as well as a romantic activity to do as a couple but it is also an easy fancy centerpiece that is certain to leave an impression at dinner parties. People often ask how to create chocolate covered strawberries after trying to do it alone and having the project go completely awry. The reality is that there are a couple of tricks that make creating artistic chocolate covered strawberries much less stressful!
Chocolate Cookie Recipe – Chocolate Dipped Lebkuchen CookiesThese are a hard cookie with a delicate taste of spice and honey. As a valentine’s gift or for mother’s day you could make one large cookie (roll the dough onto a cookie tray, cut out the shape and remove the excess dough) bake as instructed below. When cool spread melted chocolate over the top of the cookie and decorate as desired, you could also use small sugar flowers for decoration.
Chocolates For the Young and Young at Heart, Especially MothersLooking for the perfect present for your kiddo who will be celebrating his birthday a few days from now? I suggest you give him the ultimate indulgence of his life – chocolate lollipops. It won’t cost you much and it is sure to bring a smile on your child’s face. The most important thing to give to your child is happiness and seeing him child smiling is the most rewarding thing that he could ever give you.
Dark Temptations For Your Tongue and HealthIs your loved one fond of chocolates? Here’s good news for the chocoholics out there. Chocolate gifts online are available worldwide at affordable prices and at par with the chocolates found in your favorite stores. If you are residing in the U.S. and would want to have a taste of the excellent chocolate in other countries, these are now absolutely available for you with just a click of the mouse.
Mexican Chocolate and Chili Chocolate RecipesThe combination of cooking with chili and chocolate originated in Mexico with the Aztecs – it is very popular now worldwide. The Mexicans call their chilli chocolate sauce ‘mole’. In Aztec society cocoa was prized so highly that prostitutes were paid in cocoa!
The Real Deal on Chocolate InfusionsThere are a lot of overused marketing words in chocolate. Infusion is one that is overused and in general, incorrectly used.
Promotional Chocolates – Frequently Used Corporate GiftsPromotional chocolates are in high demand in the world market. They are one of the most inexpensive ways of marketing.
Get Crazy About Chocolate – 10 Reasons Why Chocolate is Good For YouAre you crazy about chocolate? Most people love chocolate, but did you know that some chocolate is good for you?
Chocolate – Eat it, Gift it, Decorate With ItChocolate is truly a gift from the Gods. You can eat it, gift it, and decorate with it. These little roasted cocoa beans are amazingly versatile, good for your health, and always make you smile. Its uses seem to be endless.