How to make a Ganache with Kirsten Tibballs | Chocolate Book

Chocolate and Fruits – An Unexpected Marriage

We like and love our chocolates almost to death. Well, no surprise there as chocolates are the ultimate food when it comes to satisfying our sweet tooth, not to mention that it definitely makes for warm, fuzzy and mellow feelings that can either relax us or arouse us. Plus, chocolates definitely have their health benefits. But being human as we are, we must experiment with the stuff.

Chocolates – There’s No Perfect One Word Synonym For These Wonderful Treats

If you try to find a synonym that perfectly captures the word chocolates – you can’t find any that has a perfect fit. If you look up it’s meaning in the respected Merriam-Webster Dictionary, you find several definitions. None of these describes chocolates as you know it – ecstasy!

Promotional Chocolates and Business – Perfect Partners

The corporate world and the little shop at the corner have something in common. They give chocolates to loyal and prospective clients. Promotional chocolates are packaged as corporate chocolate bars, towers, and packed in cute little chocolate gift boxes bearing the corporate logo.

Our Love Affair With Belgian Chocolate

There is chocolate and then there is Belgian chocolate. In a world filled with mediocre products, you will definitely not classify Belgian chocolates as mediocre, not in a million years. Your melt-in-the-mouth experience with every pop of the food of the gods will justify your existence on Earth. Or at least, your culinary chosen path as a certified chocoholic will be charmed.

Chocolate Tasting – Using Your Senses to Explore Chocolate

It’s no lie, if you’re reading this you probably like (maybe love) chocolate. The artisan communities are booming and the industrial machines are learning more ways to trick your palate and the ingredient list. Take a moment to examine the chocolate you eat so you can be sure you are getting a great treat and not one that will leave you lacking.

Chocolate Creations For Every Occasion

Chocolate is a staple gift across the modern global village. However, you do not have to give the same old chocolate every single time. Spice it up, mix it up, jazz it up and try something new for a change. It will surprise the receiver, maybe even more than you know. In a mass produced society it is nice to be able to add some variety to your chocolate giving times. It also helps you to feel more creative and this is an added bonus. You should appreciate the effort you take to make you chocolate gestures memorable.

Chocolate For the Unconventional Chocoholic

No person on this earth is exactly identical to anyone else, living or past. So, with such a diversity of tastes, likes, dislikes, looks and everything else that makes up a person, why give identical chocolates? Why eat identical chocolates when you are different from everyone around you?

The Romance of a Box of Chocolates

Chocolate is globally recognized as an indulgent delight, a sweet treat for a sweet tooth and a dieter’s piece de resistance. However, what about the romance of chocolates? Yes, chocolates are romantic. In fact, they have become the staple romance diet for many a man suffering from a romance deficit. Flowers and chocolates can melt a woman’s heart like nothing else.

Flowers and Handmade Chocolates

One of the most traditional gifts the world over is flowers and chocolates and women young and old simply love receiving them. Of course, not much thought goes into picking up a bunch of flowers at the supermarket and grabbing a box of chocolates off the shelf at the same time.

Men’s Silent Secret – Chocolate

The world has stereotyped men and women for countless centuries, and you would think that in the 21st century that would be a thing of the past. Nothing could be further from the truth though. Think about it for a minute. Women are associated with flowers, chocolates and perfumes. Men on the other hand are not considered real men unless DIY tools, fishing rods and an assortment of mysterious car parts surround them.

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