Simple Chocolate Techniques You Need To Know

Easter for the Non-Chocolate Eater

I often wonder what happens to people who don’t eat chocolate when Easter comes around. When the market is flooded with chocolate products and every conceivable ingredient that could possibly be devoured, where can such self-labelled “non-chocolate eaters” escape to? Such events as Easter shows, Easter sales, end of school term and just general planning to enjoy the break from work, all seem to be entwined with the consumption of endless amounts of chocolate.

Reasons for Sending Chocolate Hearts to a Woman

Research, as published in Reuters Health, detailed that more than 33,000 Swedish women had a reduced risk of heart stroke because they ate chocolate regularly. Dark chocolate which contains more cocoa and less sugar and milk is also said to be more beneficial for women, especially when they are keeping a watch on their calorie intake. Chocolatiers these days customize chocolate hearts for every occasion.

Unique Candy Favors for a Wedding Ceremony

Every wedding is unique in its own way and bride and groom want to make it perfectly special occasion that can be remembered for life long. This is the reason they add one extra charm by delighting their valuable guests.

How To Order A Chocolate Bouquet For Yourself

One of my coworkers generated orders for chocolate bouquets in our office. She was very persuasive about it and got a lot of orders from many of us male employees. I ordered several: for my mom, my wife and my two sisters.

Is There a Good Sugar Free Cocoa Drink?

We went searching for a good cocoa drink because of the antioxidants found naturally in cocoa. We’re trying to live by the principal that if you can’t pronounce an ingredient, you probably should not be eating or drinking that product. We thought that this would be fairly easy to do. We were wrong.

Ferrero Rocher – A Hazelnut Chocolate

Ferrero Rocher is one of most famous and most liked chocolates in the world. It was introduced in the year 1982 by the famous chocolate maker, Ferrero SpA. A Ferrero Rocher is a round shaped chocolate containing roasted hazelnuts that are enclosed by a slim wafer shell.

Chocolate Party Favors for Theme Bridal Showers

Chocolate is believed to be an aphrodisiac since the time of the Aztecs. Scientists, reinforcing this belief, say that the presence of PEA and other chemicals, such as tryptophan and phenylethylamine, create an aphrodisiac like effect. The former chemical is released in the brain during sexual arousal, while the latter is released when a person falls in love.

Olde Tyme Chocolate Cookies Perfect With An Ice Cold Glass Of Milk

Many years ago, when I didn’t have much money, I used to make cookies for gift. Who doesn’t enjoy a couple of cookies with a cold glass of milk? These are all cookies with chocolate in them and three of the recipes do not have to be baked. If you’re feeling guilty, just think cocoa is a great antioxidant.

Here Are Some Really Good Chocolate Recipes

Nothing come close to satisfying a sweet tooth than something chocolate. From classic old-time recipes like chocolate chef cake to toffee bars.

Lactose Free Chocolate

Information about lactose free chocolate. What makes certain chocolate dairy free and where to find lactose free chocolate.

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